My skincare routine is all about facial rejuvenation techniques! I use lots of products, including lotions and creams, to keep me looking vibrant. Some people take the rejuvenation process to the next level by opting for treatments like Botox and a mini facelift, though I’m perfectly content using collagen-infused products to reduce puffiness and keep my face looking tight.
Collagen has a host of notable benefits, and the great part is that it’s super easy to find! You can get supplemental collagen from pills, all-natural diets, and external applications. I, for one, like to get my daily dose with special formulas that hydrate my skin and preserve its elasticity.
Use a Mask 3 Times a Week
A good face mask can open the door to a world of skincare possibilities! It might be hard to commit to a consistent masking routine at first, but after your initial few applications, you’ll notice just how much dirt and grime accumulate in our pores and will want to adhere to a schedule.
I apply masks on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, as I like to give my face a break on weekends, though what works for me might not work as well for others. In any case, I’ve found that masks have a host of incredible benefits, and there are so many options to choose from. Some masks have exfoliating properties and special serum combinations that target dead skin cells, whereas others target uneven complexions and spontaneous blemishes.
I absolutely adore face masks. They make me feel like a new person!
Adapt to Spring with Lighter Creams
Winter is the best time to use heavier creams, but when spring rolls around, it’s time for a change. Spring weather is much gentler on the skin, so you should use thinner creams and exfoliators. Oily products are especially counterproductive during spring—oil and humidity don’t mix well—so I try to avoid them in favor of lighter products. Oil-free moisturizers and creams are particularly useful and are my go-to options for hydration.
There’s nothing quite as refreshing as treating yourself with great skincare products!
Apply Sunscreen Consistently
I always have sunscreen in stock for the warmer months. Spring is an especially deceptive time of year, as the weather hovers between hot and cold. Some people believe they can walk around without skin protection, but even though spring isn’t as warm or sunny as summer, UV rays can still do damage!
This is why dermatologists recommend that you apply sunscreen at any given time outdoors. I follow this advice without fail—even in the middle of winter!
Spend Time Outside with Protective Accessories
Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of all, and the sun is a huge part of its allure. Unfortunately, however, the sun can cause skin damage and exacerbate wrinkles in certain areas of the face, like on the forehead and around the eyes.
Some easy ways to avoid the sun’s negative effects include wearing hats and thick glasses. A wide-brimmed hat keeps your face cool and prevents you from squinting, and goggle-like glasses with side protection can banish rays from the more vulnerable areas of your face interbiography.
When spring rolls around, I find myself outdoors most of the time, so I’m grateful to know about these tips. In fact, I’ve noticed that my face and eyes look a lot better than they did before I implemented the changes overallnetworth!
Use More Antioxidants
Antioxidants keep radicals from damaging your skin. One of the best of these antioxidants is vitamin E, which can be found in almonds, peppers, peanut butter, and even sunflower seeds overallnetworth.
Vitamins and minerals play a major role in skin health, which is why I’ve always incorporated them in my daily routine techybio. I also choose creams that incorporate as many antioxidants as possible, especially because production slows as we age. Make sure you’re getting enough historyglow!